What the world is not yet ready for

What the world is not yet ready for

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Crystal Skulls

The crystal skulls are apparently skulls crafted out of pure crystal, with no indication of being formed by man. If I were to say I wasn't impressed by these, I'd be lying.

The history of these skulls is blurry, thanks to modern myths and legends, but most agree that the crystal skulls are part of a way to save the world in 2012. There is supposedly 13 of the skulls, but about seven or eight have been found.

So, where did the skulls come from? I don't know, I honestly think they may just have been made by the ancient societies of the past. Others believe them to be the work of aliens, some claim that they are actual human skulls morphed into crystal. Where do they really come from? Like the Tootsie Pop commercial says, "The world may never know."

What could these skulls represent? Why are they here? How can they help us? Once again, I don't know. These skulls are not part of my research, so I don't know much, but I don't believe that they can save the world in 2012. If all 13 skulls were to be placed in one vicinity, I don't know what would happen, but it probably wouldn't be much.

I didn't really look into this subject as much as I do my others, so if you wish for me to do some research and re-visit the subject in the future, just tell me. That's pretty much it for this week, come back next week when I talk about that Mayan calendar that everyone is so scared of.

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