What the world is not yet ready for

What the world is not yet ready for

Monday, September 6, 2010

My New Approach At This......

Don't worry, I'll still be doing a blog about mysterious phenomena, and creatures yet to be explained, but I will also be doing a "thought of the week," where I will chose the greatest phrase I've heard or thought of that week, and I will put it at the end of each post, so there ya go, that's how it's gonna be from now on.

(Error 4934 Phrase not found)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I'm back...unfortunately

I am back, and just as crappy as ever. This week I'm just informing you that I'll be back, with conspiracy theories, et cetera, et cetera.....

"Oh pitiful shadow lost in the darkness,
Bringing torment and pain to others,
Oh damned soul wallowing in your sin,
Perhaps it is time to die"

-Ai Enma

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Expletive This

So this week I couldn't think of anything to talk about, so instead, I'll give you some philosophy(if that's spelled correctly). Okay, first, some words from my friend Anonymous:

"Life is fucking harsh, and fucking stupid." Way to go Anonymous.

Next, here's a few words from yours truly.

"Life is great, and then you're born."
"The path less traveled is probably worse than the path most traveled, why do you think nobody uses it?"
"The truth is always disappointing."
"Get your facts straight."
"Y tu mama tambien."
"When I die, if you cry at my funeral, I'll haunt you."
"Life is an illusion, a pretty damn good one at that."

There you go, that's all you're getting this week, so go away now.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mayan Calandar Doomsday

This week, the Mayan Calandar of doom. The "calendar" supposedly predicts an apocalyptic event which takes place on December 12th, 2012. Many are afraid of this date, I, on the other hand, will be sitting on my porch, watching the hysteria.

People who have studied the calendar confirm the world will end then, but, they also confirmed the world would end in 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003 and 2005, all from the same calendar. So I have very little to say on this matter, other than: If you believe that the world will end on December 12th, 2012, go find the nearest brick(or large boulder if brick is unavailable) and slam it into your skull until you are normal.
Thanks for reading, and come back next week, when I'll review some other crap.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Crystal Skulls

The crystal skulls are apparently skulls crafted out of pure crystal, with no indication of being formed by man. If I were to say I wasn't impressed by these, I'd be lying.

The history of these skulls is blurry, thanks to modern myths and legends, but most agree that the crystal skulls are part of a way to save the world in 2012. There is supposedly 13 of the skulls, but about seven or eight have been found.

So, where did the skulls come from? I don't know, I honestly think they may just have been made by the ancient societies of the past. Others believe them to be the work of aliens, some claim that they are actual human skulls morphed into crystal. Where do they really come from? Like the Tootsie Pop commercial says, "The world may never know."

What could these skulls represent? Why are they here? How can they help us? Once again, I don't know. These skulls are not part of my research, so I don't know much, but I don't believe that they can save the world in 2012. If all 13 skulls were to be placed in one vicinity, I don't know what would happen, but it probably wouldn't be much.

I didn't really look into this subject as much as I do my others, so if you wish for me to do some research and re-visit the subject in the future, just tell me. That's pretty much it for this week, come back next week when I talk about that Mayan calendar that everyone is so scared of.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


This week I will giving my thoughts about aliens, and not the illegal ones down at the Home Depot. The aliens I'm talking about are the "little green men" that have been spotted around the world. From the spaceships and crop circles, to where I believe aliens come from, I'll cover it all.

Space ship, rocket ship, u.f.o. flying saucer, whatever you want to call it, the space craft is the most common form of alien sighting. A lot of these sightings have been proved as fake, but hundreds of thousands of pictures, video clips, and eyewitness accounts have yet to be explained. I have not seen a u.f.o. myself, but I would like to someday. The typical u.f.o. is described as a metal plate with a bump in the center, but pictures and videos show hundreds of variations, such as octagons, triangles, dodecahedrons, and many more. Some move incredibly fast, while others move slow, some light up in bright colors, others are dimly lit, a few crash, the others fly away, leaving nothing but mystery and intrigue behind.

Another form of alien evidence is the famous crop circle. Crop circles have appeared on nearly every continent, and come in many different shapes and sizes. While many claim these designs to be hoaxes, others claim to have witnessed the aliens make them. I believe that some are hoaxes, usually the simpler ones, like circles, squares, dodecahedrons, these can be easily completed within a night by people, but the incredibly complex designs, as shown in the picture, I believe are created by something other worldly. Even if most crop circles are fakes, that doesn't dismiss the existence of aliens at all.

Finally, to the origins of aliens, are they from different galaxies, hidden on planets in our solar system, or even from a planet exactly like ours in another universe? I don't think so, I actually believe that aliens are actually from our own planet, that's right, I think that "aliens" come from Earth. I believe it all started a couple thousand years ago, in a little place called Atlantis. Yes, I believe in Atlantis too, but that's not the current subject. The citizens of Atlantis were far more advanced than the rest of the world at the time, possibly even our time, and fed up with the increasingly simplistic, naive society of the era, decided to travel to space, in search for a planet of intelligent beings. This might explain why the aliens visit our world, to see if we have advanced far enough for them to return, but if more shows like The Hills show up, they won't return for quite some time.

That, readers, is my beliefs on the alien society, and I encourage you to tell me what you believe. Come back next week when I cover the crystal skulls.

Monday, July 12, 2010


For those who don't know me, I am a big believer in conspiracies, legends, monstrous creatures of lore, et cetera. For the past ten or so years, I have created my own explanations for the mysterious events that take place around us. From the pyramids, to the Bermuda Triangle, I have explanations for it all, and I will be posting different theories every week or two. If you have any questions on how I came up with a theory, or if you have a mysterious subject you would like me to dwell on, just let me know.