What the world is not yet ready for

What the world is not yet ready for

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Clever Title

Witty comments about something in popular culture.  An offensive comment about the same subject. Filler because I didn't prepare for a full post.  More filler, because it will make the post seem longer and more meaningful.  Some statements about how idiotic today's youth is.  A joke about the horrible shape the country is in.  Boobs.

While you're busy not reading this, why not be busy not watching my videos or not following me on twitter?
YouTube name: Jomajorsh
Twitter name: Jomajorsh

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Youtube and Twitter

For those of you who are unaware, I am an aspiring something or other.  I have a youtube account which has some crappy videos of myself, as well as some animation videos I tried doing.  I also have a twitter account, with only 2 followers.  If anyone out here wants to watch or follow me, links are below.  And that's all I have for now, see you next time.  Bye.

Youtube: www.youtube.com/jomajorsh
Twitter: www.twitter.com/jomajorsh