What the world is not yet ready for

What the world is not yet ready for

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I'm back...unfortunately

I am back, and just as crappy as ever. This week I'm just informing you that I'll be back, with conspiracy theories, et cetera, et cetera.....

"Oh pitiful shadow lost in the darkness,
Bringing torment and pain to others,
Oh damned soul wallowing in your sin,
Perhaps it is time to die"

-Ai Enma

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Expletive This

So this week I couldn't think of anything to talk about, so instead, I'll give you some philosophy(if that's spelled correctly). Okay, first, some words from my friend Anonymous:

"Life is fucking harsh, and fucking stupid." Way to go Anonymous.

Next, here's a few words from yours truly.

"Life is great, and then you're born."
"The path less traveled is probably worse than the path most traveled, why do you think nobody uses it?"
"The truth is always disappointing."
"Get your facts straight."
"Y tu mama tambien."
"When I die, if you cry at my funeral, I'll haunt you."
"Life is an illusion, a pretty damn good one at that."

There you go, that's all you're getting this week, so go away now.